Baltimore, Maryland | SXPF Guest Potter
Yoshi Fujii is a resident artist, instructor, and online gallery manager at Baltimore Clayworks in Maryland. Yoshi, from Fukuoka, Japan, moved to U.S. in 1996 and received a B.A. in foreign language and a B.A. in anthropology in 2000 from the University of Southern Mississippi. In addition, he received a B.F.A. in sculpture with an emphasis in ceramics in 2002 and an M.A.T.L. in English as a second language in 2003. After a residency in Natchez, MS, he attended Southern Illinois University Carbondale where he earned his M.F.A. in ceramics in 2008.
Yoshi was selected as a recipient of the 2008-09 Lormina Salter Fellowship and invited to become a resident artist at Baltimore Clayworks, and he also received 2010 Mary E. Nyburg Fund for Artist Development for his 10-week residency at Tainan National University for the Arts in Taiwan, ROC.
In 2011, he won the b-Grant from Baker Artist Awards and the Individual Artist Award from Maryland State Arts Council in 2015 for his excellence in craft. His work have been published and shown in national and international exhibitions and competitions, won several awards, and added to collections. He is one of the Ceramics Monthly’s Emerging Artists 2015 and a fellow of the Craftsmen's Guild of Mississippi.